Shirley loves her collection of lighthouses--statues, pictures, pillows, even lighthouse paper towels. After spending a year on the waiting list for Evergreen Townhomes eleven years ago, it became the “lighthouse” she has called home since then. Shirley was one of the fortunate ones.
For many seniors, finding safe, affordable housing has become a daunting, sometimes impossible, task. There is an increasing shortage of available senior housing in our community to meet the demand, which means some seniors wait years for a place to call home. Sadly, some end up in homelessness.
Shirley’s story, however, is filled with hope. She says she has everything she needs at Evergreen. There is plenty of space, all of her appliances are furnished, and “when something goes wrong, all I do is call IHCS, and a friendly face comes to fix the problem, “ she stated. She recounted that recently, when loose carpeting posed a tripping hazard, IHCS quickly had it stretched and secured for her safety.
Pictures of her family are proudly displayed on her living room walls. One special photo taken many years ago portrays her young children in their home at Christmas time. This year, they will come to visit Shirley in her current Home for the Holidays …Evergreen Townhomes.
Finding the path to secure and affordable housing can be as easy as getting the help you need. Come take the first step with us.
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