Interfaith Housing & Community Services seeks to alleviate poverty and build community through housing assistance, financial education and individual empowerment.
We envision communities where people have the knowledge and tools to achieve financial self-sufficiency, and access to housing that is affordable to their level of income, accessible to their level of need; where they can live in safety with dignity.
We offer a range of services including home repair, financial education, down payment assistance, and affordable rental housing to help individuals and families achieve safe, stable, and affordable living.
In 1989, Helen Rosenblad attended a housing meeting in Hutchinson, Kansas and saw that people who were unable to maintain their homes were falling through the cracks. She assembled people from churches throughout the community to work together and meet those needs.
For nearly 30 years, Interfaith has been lending a helping hand. We have crossed religious barriers and connected those with a need to those who have a desire and ability to fill that need. From a small group of faithful, ripples of change and transformation can be seen in the tangible changes and subtle difference in lives and homes across our communities.
Our desire to serve the under served has not changed over the years, but the way we do has. Not only do we work to meet immediate housing and safety needs, but we also work with clients to move past current situations, toward stability and financial security.
President and CEO
Chief Financial Officer and H.R.
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Housing Officer and General Contractor
Creating Assets Savings and Hope Manager
IDA Program Manager
Compliance and Asset Manager
Rental Property Manager
Accounting Specialist
Intake Specialist
Maintenance Manager
Chair Brock Wells
Vice Chair Shane Iwashige
Secretary Jim Ewert
Treasurer Mike Smith
Geni Woody
Jordan Fee
Kelly Anne Lanham
Patrick Thompson
Esmerelda Tovar-Mora
Chairperson Brock Wells
Jim Ewert, Clint Nelson
Chairperson Mike Smith
Jordan Fee, Angela Richard, Ashley Cain, Chad Gilbert, Lacy Stauffacher, Clint Nelson
Chairperson Geni Woody
Lacy Stauffacher, Billy Muhizi, Esmerelda Tovar- Mora, Jessica Flax, Jessica Schmidt, Ashley Cain, Clint Nelson
Chairperson Shane Iwashige
Patrick Thompson, Brian Davis, Steve Dechant, Kelly Anne Lanham, Jim McCormick, Clint Nelson, Ashley Cain
Community Builders give to Interfaith’s general fund to support our mission, and in turn the sustainability of the programs we provide. These gifts ensure that Interfaith can continue working to make tangible progress in the lives and communities we serve. Below are our Community Builders from 2017. Click here for more information on becoming a Community Builder.
Esau Family Dentistry
Faith Mennonite Church
Journey Mennonite Church
Local Initiatives Support Corp
Bob and Kristine Peel
Mert Sellers
Ivan and Marjorie Smith
Stacy and Julie Unruh
Paul and Debora Waggoner
Shirley Alpers
Susan and Sam Buttram Family Fund
Glen and Melinda Chambers
Fee Insurance Group
First Presbyterian Church
Ben and Amy Kraft
New Covenant Presbyterian Church
LaVerle Schrag
Waggoners, Inc.
ADM Grain
Richard and Carol Brown
Suzanne Sentney Brown
Vicki and Douglas Caywood
Cedar Crest Conservative Anabaptist Service Project
Dave and Camille Claxton
Garber Surveying Service, P.A.
Roger and Judy Hawk
Randy and Kay Hoskinson
Hutchinson Correctional Facility Inmate Benefit Fund
Lynette Lacy and Bruce Buchanan
Merlin and Mary Jo Preheim
James and Betty Taylor
Meyer Charitable Trust
Glenn and Karen Miller
Megan and Dustin Miller
Virginia Harris Rayl
Walter Reineck
Helen Rosenblad
Nancy Self
Southwest Seed Research
Linda and Harold Tegethoff
Connie Wilkens
James and Dianne Cannon
William and Kristine Davis
John and Jerri Deardoff
Steve and Mary Dechant
Richard and Kristin Delp
Edward Doherty
Richard and Janet Ellis
Sylvia Griggs
Lona Hinshaw
Dale and Avril Jewett
Sondra and James Kirkpatrick
Kelly Anne and John Lanham
Jack and Deanna Mace
Kari and Phillip Mailloux
Edward and Wilma Mast
Brett and Colette Mattison
Stephen and DeAnna Marshall
Lorna and Terry Moore
John and Pat Muntz
David and Karin Neal
Phil and Lois Palmer
Michael and Carolyn Patterson
Lewis and Vickie Pearce
Mark and Gail Rassette
Ann and Leo Regier
Linda Rhodes
Dwight and Nancy Schissler
John and Susan Scott
Dell Shanahan Swearer
Mike and Nancy Smith
Barbara Snyder
Jan and Julie Steen
John and Peg Stephens
Virginia Thornton
Harold and Donna Walters
Diana and Joe Wendell
Holly Williams
Gene and Carol Allton
Jerry Blocher
Dennis and Traci Board
Dennis and Susie Clennan
Community Church of The Brethren
Joyce Crow
R. and Ruth Delp
Raymond and Amanda Dick
Richard and Linda Ehresman
Robert and Annie Fee
Richard and Martha Hamilton
Bob and Geralyn Hickman
Ron and Bette Hirst
Tommy and Stacy Hornbeck
Hutchinson Civitan Club
John and Sherri Jensen
Judy Langley
Michael and Susan Leader
Ben and Marlene Miller
Kim and Cindy Moore
Dewey and Debra Nichols
Partridge Women’s Fellowship
PEO Chapter EK
Bradley and Valerie Pryor
Robert Riley
Mark and Libertee Thompson
Larry and Sue Wagerle
Melvin and Mary Walton
Lori Webb
Kathleen Yeager
Gary Zarker
Join us in making a lasting impact—become a community supporter today
and help empower individuals and families to achieve safe, affordable housing and financial stability.
Finding the path to secure and affordable housing can be as easy as getting the help you need. Come take the first step with us.
Monday: 9AM - 5PM
(Closed 12PM - 1PM)
Tuesday-Thursday: 7:30 AM - 5 PM
(Closed 12PM - 1PM)
Friday: 8AM - 12PM
Closed Saturday & Sunday
All Rights Reserved | Interfaith Housing & Community Services