John W. Scott
We help homeowners in need make essential repairs, ensuring their homes are safe, livable, and built to last.
Our Home Repair and Rehabilitation program addresses urgent needs, from safety concerns to improving living conditions, helping families stay in their homes.
Learn more about how our Home Repair and Rehabilitation program works and how you can benefit.
To apply for assistance through the Homeowner Occupied Repair program you must meet the following criteria:
Reside in Reno County, Kansas.
Be over the age of 60.
Live in a single family home in which you hold the deed.
Be current on your property taxes.
Must meet income guidelines.
We cover accessibility modifications and repairs that affect health and safety.
You can apply by downloading and submitting an application right here on the website.
Finding the path to secure and affordable housing can be as easy as getting the help you need. Come take the first step with us.
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